If during your pregnancy, a health issue arises that is not pregnancy related, the best person to access is your regular General Practitioner (GP). If your GP feels that there is any connection or concerns with your pregnancy, they will guide you back to or contact me directly.
During your pregnancy it can be common for you to experience feelings, sensations, symptoms or pains that you have never had before. I fully understand that you may have limited experience to interpret these and this can be anxiety provoking when you know you are responsible for your unborn baby. Myself and Polly are here to help you.
If you think that your concerns or symptoms are pregnancy related, I’d like you to call the rooms and our Team will arrange for you to talk with Polly or myself. If this happens to be out of office hours or on the weekend, the delivery suite of your booked hospital has midwives available at all times of the day and night. They are there, trained and very experienced to help you. If, after listening to your story, the midwives are concerned, they will contact me directly.
If during your pregnancy, a health issue arises that is not pregnancy related, the best person to access is your regular General Practitioner (GP). If your GP feels that there is any connection or concerns with your pregnancy, they will guide you back to or contact me directly.
During your pregnancy it can be common for you to experience feelings, sensations, symptoms or pains that you have never had before. I fully understand that you may have limited experience to interpret these and this can be anxiety provoking when you know you are responsible for your unborn baby. Myself and Polly are here to help you.
If you think that your concerns or symptoms are pregnancy related, I’d like you to call the rooms and our Team will arrange for you to talk with Polly or myself. If this happens to be out of office hours or on the weekend, the delivery suite of your booked hospital has midwives available at all times of the day and night. They are there, trained and very experienced to help you. If, after listening to your story, the midwives are concerned, they will contact me directly.
I limited the number of obstetric patients I accept each month so I can be readily available to you when you need me. On the rare occasion that I take a weekend off or have a weeknight commitment, I will have arranged an experienced obstetrician who I trust, to be available for my patients. You do not need to keep track of this but rather contact the delivery suite of your booked hospital as you normally would and they will contact that obstetrician.