In approximately 1% of pregnancies, the embryo implants outside of the uterus. This is known as an ectopic pregnancy and unfortunately will not progress to produce a live baby. The most common site for this misplaced implantation is the fallopian tube but it can also occur in other places including the wall of the pelvis or on the ovary. An ectopic pregnancy needs to be managed very carefully as the consequences of a ruptured or mismanaged ectopic pregnancy can be extremely serious. I am very experienced in managing ectopic pregnancies and would be happy to care for you during this process. If required, I am proficient at laparoscopic surgical management and therefore will be able to offer you all forms of management and see your care through to completion. As part of my care, we can also discuss potential causes for ectopic pregnancy, the chances you will have another ectopic pregnancy, the role of the fallopian tubes and their relationship to your fertility as well as providing easy and prompt access to me when questions arise.